Drugstore in Another World

PV Reveals Opening Theme

By Epic Dope Staff | June 24, 2021

Drugstore in Another World is an isekai that stands out because this anime summoned its hero and gave him a cheat code!

The upcoming isekai anime streamed a brand new PV for the show premiering on July 7th, 2021.

The trailer starts with how Reiji was transported to this world and became aware of his role.

It has a very calming vibe to it with a little bit of chaos, featuring all the main characters of the anime.

It also previews the opening theme song for the anime 'Kokoro Hayaru' performed by Akane Kumada.

It is called 'Mainichi Kashimashi Pharmacy' performed by Risae Matsuda, Akane Kumuda, and Jun Fukushima.

We sure as hell can't wait for this one to come out soon!