Dragon Ball Super 68: Spoilers

Is Frieza Alive?

By Epic Dope Staff | January 20, 2021

Dragon Ball Super will start with the new Granolah arc, who is out for revenge. With Frieza dead, leaves Goku & Vegeta.

Goku is seen training with Whis in his Ultra Instinct form. Beerus then asks Vegeta if he is interested in achieving UI, who rejects him.

Beerus then implies the existence of techniques other than UI that are possessed by the Gods & tells Vegeta to steal the information selfishly.

When Granolah asks for his next job, Elec announces that Frieza has returned. Granola is shocked initially, but he comes back to his senses.

Elec then reveals his true motive, he knows that Granolah is out for revenge & thus stop him from becoming stronger than Elec’s underlings.

Is Frieza actually alive, or is Elec just manipulating Granolah to get him killed?