Episode Remake For Silver Jubilee

Detective Conan Legendary Episode

By Epic Dope Staff | December 17, 2020

Detective Conan is back with a new surprise for fans! Talks of a legendary episode are going around the town, so what exactly is this episode?

The official website of Detective Conan announced that the anime will remake a “legendary god-tier” episode.

This is being done to celebrate the 1,000th episode of the anime. Detective Conan will also celebrate the 25th anniversary of the franchise in January.

The website also unveiled three visuals that are made up entirely of episode shots. These collages form the characters Shinichi, Kaito Kid, and Heiji.

This episode will be one of the most popular episodes that will be remade but with the latest animation techniques.

The 24th movie, Detective Conan: The Scarlet Bullet, has confirmed its premiere on 16th April 2021.