Happy World Otaku Day!

Ways To Celebrate World Otaku Day

By Epic Dope Staff | December 15, 2020

World Otaku Day is finally here! Although not many people know about the day, we weebs can help spread the word.

So I have listed a few ways in which we can celebrate Otaku Day. Let’s take a look at them together.

Cosplays: We can cosplay as our favorite anime/manga characters and post pictures on social media sites.

Anime/Manga Illustrations: It’s time to bring out all of that closeted art & flood the internet with them. We can post these with special hashtags.

Binge Watching Anime: We can binge-read/watch guilt-free for a whole day. Let’s forget about those pending assignments & give ourselves a break.

Here’s to hoping that we get more quality anime/manga in the future. Let’s dedicate today to celebrating the existence of this wonderful art.