Taking down Laser Ore Processor Alpha is one of the side quests that you’ll be assigned in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. It’s the biggest RDA Outpost in Kinglor Forest, and it’s filled with RDA guards that you’ll have to take out, which won’t be an easy task.
There are several steps to destroying it, and it all begins with its infiltration. What ensues are some obstacles you’ll need to overcome in order to destroy it once and for all.
1. How to destroy Laser Ore Processor Alpha?
To destroy Laser One Processor Alpha, players need to:
- Infiltrate Laser Ore Processor Alpha
- Navigate the checkpoint
- Hack the Cargo Trench Control Console
- Reach the Gas Pipeline Control Room
- Reach the Slag Pit
- Reach the Smelting Unit
- Destroy the Laser
One thing players should keep in mind is that the facility’s locked to Combat Level 20, but you’ll most likely be underpowered when you come across the facility, so I suggest leveling up to 20 beforehand.
2. Infiltrate Laser Ore Processor Alpha

To infiltrate the facility, head to Gate 03 next to a yellow RDA truck. There’ll be a yellow grate there that players can break. Simply break it using any melee weapon or shoot it, and then drop down.
The path forward in the tunnel is pretty linear, so you won’t have any problems navigating your way there. Follow the pathway, and you’ll come across an opening above you. Climb it, and you’ll enter the first combat room in the facility.

The panel that players need to hack is located in the northeast, on a platform below a yellow pipe. In addition to hacking the panel, players also need to take out the four human enemies and the AMP Suit present in the room.

Take down the enemies on the higher platforms, then go for the lower ones. After that, take care of the AMP Suit by targeting the gas canisters on the suit to explode them and you should be able to hack the panel without interference.

Once you’ve hacked the panel, go up the RDA Lift tool near the Loading Bay, and you’ll notice a vent beside you. Enter it to proceed to the next room.
4. Hack the Cargo Trench Control Console

After entering the vent, follow the yellow pipes to enter another combat room. Players need to get on top of the Control Centre (a yellow room) and enter it through the vent, kill the enemy inside, and then hack the console.

But hacking the console will spawn more enemies, which you’ll have to fight. There’ll be several human soldiers and AMP suits. Take out the soldiers first, then shoot the packs on the back of the AMP Suits to make them instantly explode.
5. Reach the Gas Pipeline Control Room

To reach the Gas Pipeline Control Room, head northwest through a door labelled “Gas Facility 1.” Follow the pathway ahead, and you’ll reach the Gas Pipeline Control Room.

Now hack the terminal in front, and the shutter in front of you will be blown open in an explosion. Several enemies will spot you as soon as you go through the exploded shutter. Take care of them, and then shoot the three gas pipeline shutoff valves.

The first valve is located right in front of the shutter above some pipes. The second valve is located just further up the pipe, but it needs to be shot from the side in order for it to explode.

The third and final valve is located higher up, at the back of the room. Between shooting these valves, Pyro Amp Suits and human soldiers will appear, so take them down the same way as you’ve done for the rest.
6. Reach the Slag Pit

With the three valves destroyed, go up the stairs and through the broken circular fan. Follow the pathway until you come across a room with one soldier. Take him out, then head up the yellow pipes on the left and through the vent to reach the Slag Pit.

The slag pit will be filled with enemies. Deal with the soldiers first, then take care of the AMP Suits. More enemies will appear as you clear the room. After you’ve taken care of everyone, go into the brightly lit control room to hack the terminal.

As soon as you hack the terminal, you’ll be ambushed by some human enemies and an AMP Commando. Take them out, and then shoot the exposed pipe on the southwest wall to make it explode.
7. Reach the Smelting Unit

Head down the stairs below the explosion and go through the circular opening. Jump down on the platforms above the pool of molten metal. Players shouldn’t use the Lift Tool present there, as it’ll kill them instantly.

Instead of taking the Lift, jump across, turn right, and head into the vents until you come across an oblivious soldier. Kill them, go right, and then head down the ramp into another vent.

Head through it until you get to a room buzzing with electricity. On the right, there’ll be a column with a lever on it. Pull it to turn off the electricity in the area, then go left and smash through the grate to drop down. Hack the door to enter the room with the laser.
8. Destroy the Laser

Upon reaching the room, start shooting the laser’s Lense before it starts shooting. Waves of enemies will flood the room, after which the next objective will pop up. Now, shoot the shutoff valves on either side of the laser.
After blowing them, shoot the laser’s lense again, and more enemies will start appearing. After defeating them, attack the lense again, then move to the left side of the room. Now you’ll have to turn three wheels on the left to open emergency pipelines on either side.

The laser is now volatile and will continuously sweep between the wheels, damaging you in the process. Once you’ve turned the left wheels, shoot the exposed valve and the laser. Now, you’ll need to turn three wheels on the right, with the laser being quicker.

After turning all the wheels on the right, shoot the exposed valve at the back of the room to expose the laser’s weak point. Now all you need to do is shoot the fiery opening at the back of the laser to successfully destroy the laser once and for all.
9. About Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is the second installment in Ubisoft’s Avatar franchise, inspired from the movie by James Cameron.
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is an open-world, first-person, action adventure title taking place on the alien world of Pandora. Players will control a Na’vi in this standalone story, and embark on a journey across a never before seen part of Pandora, the Western Frontier. Explore stunning landscapes, encounter unique creatures and push back against the threat of the RDA in this next-gen exclusive return to Pandora.
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