After 25 years, Ash’s journey has finally concluded. Despite the plan to catch ‘em all, Ash does not, in fact, catch every Pokemon, but he has officially owned 83 of them.
After getting his starter Pokemon, Pikachu, from Professor Oak, Ash has continued to catch 83 more, including all 30 Tauros. This number includes the Pokemon Ash caught, took on, and released in the wild.
Apart from that, Ash has temporarily owned 4, traded away 2, given away 1, and briefly traveled with 4 Pokemon. All in all, Ash has owned 98 different species of Pokemon and has had at least one Pokemon from each of the 18 types, which is a remarkable feat in itself.
As of April 2024, Ash owns 77 Pokemon, including a Rotom Poekdex that travels with him. Here is a comprehensive list of Ash’s official Pokemon, according to the order in which they were caught.
1 Kanto/Indigo League and Orange League
Ash’s team in the Kanto region consisted of Pikachu, Butterfree, Pidgeot, Bulbasaur, Charizard, and Squirtle. His team in Orange Islands had Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Charizard, Squirtle, Lapras, and Snorlax.

I. Pikachu

- Type – Electric
- Status – Starter
- Evolution – Not Fully Evolved
- Caught in – EP001: Pokémon – I Choose You!
- Evolves in – EP001: Prior to Pokémon – I Choose You!
- Location – In Rotation
Notable feats: Pikachu recently activated his Gigantimax form and is the first of Ash’s Pokemon to do so.
Despite being not fully evolved and Non-Mega Evolved, Pikachu has defeated 2 Mega Evolved Pokemon – Korrina’s Mega Lucario and Misty’s Mega Gyrados – and 4 Legendary Pokemon – Brandon’s Regice, Tobias’s Latios, Gladion’s Silvally, and the Electric-Fairy-type Pokemon Tapu Koko. Pikachu has several Z-moves and Dynamax moves.
II. Butterfree

- Type – Bug-Flying
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – EP003: Ash Catches a Pokémon
- Evolves in – EP003: Ash Catches a Pokémon; EP004: Challenge of the Samurai
- Location – Released into the wild
Notable feats: Butterfree is Ash’s first Pokemon to be caught in the wild, and the first to be released into the wild as well. Ash caught it in the Caterpie form, and it later evolved into Metapod, and eventually into Butterfree.
As a Caterpie, he fought against Team Rocket, as a Metapod saves Ash from a swarm of Beedrill, and as a Butterfree helps a bunch of other wild Butterfree escape Team Rocket.
III. Pidgeot

- Type – Normal-Flying
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – EP003: Ash Catches a Pokémon
- Evolves in – EP081: Pallet Party Panic!
- Location – Released into the wild
Notable feats: Ash captured Pidgeotto, who eventually evolved into Pidgeot and remained as one of Ash’s most loyal Pokemon until Ash released it so it could join its family.
Pidgeot saves a flock of wild Pidgey and Pidgeotto from Team Rocket before joining its family and leaving Ash.
IV. Bulbasaur

- Type – Grass-Poison
- Status – Starter
- Evolution – Not Fully Evolved
- Caught in – EP010: Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable feats: Bulbasaur, like Pikachu and Squirtle, is stubborn when it comes to evolution, but is still very effective during battle.
Bulbasaur eventually takes residence in Professor’s Oak lab as a peacemaker.
V. Charizard

- Type – Fire-Flying
- Status – Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – EP011: Charmander – The Stray Pokémon
- Evolves in – EP043: March of the Exeggutor Squad; EP046: Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable feats: Charizard is one of Ash’s strongest Pokemon and has been used in many battles over the years. Ash caught Charmander, who evolved into Charmeleon and then to Charizard.
Charizard briefly stays to train at the Charific Valley, then stays with Ash in Unova before finally going back to Professor Oak’s lab.
VI. Squirtle

- Type – Water
- Status – Starter
- Evolution – Not Fully Evolved
- Caught in – EP012: Here Comes the Squirtle Squad
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable feats: Like Pikachu and his best friend Bulbasaur, Squirtle has no interest in evolving. After riding away with Officer Jenny to reunite with his squad, the gang takes shelter at Professor Oak’s lab.
VII. Kingler

- Type – Water
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – EP013: Mystery at the Lighthouse
- Evolves in – EP075: Round One – Begin!
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable feats: If we don’t count 1-on-1 matches, Kingler is the only one of Ash’s Pokemon to win a full league match by itself. As a Krabby, Kingler defeats Mandy’s Exeggutor in the first round of the Pokemon League.
It evolves to Kingler during the battle and beats Mandi’s Seadra and Golbat, granting victory for Ash.
VIII. Primeape

- Type – Fighting
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – EP025: Here Comes the Squirtle Squad
- Location – With Anthony
Notable Feats: Primeape is able to defeat Team Rocket. It is initially disobedient with Ash and has a bad temper but gains respect towards him later.
It wins the P1 Grand Prix, and Ash leaves it with Anthony so it can train to become stronger.
IX. Muk

- Type – Poison
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – EP030: Sparks Fly for Magnemite
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: We haven’t seen too much of Muk, but he defeats Jeanette’s Bellsprout during the Indigo League and battles Gary’s Blastoise in the Gold and Silver series.
X. Tauros (x30)

- Type – Normal
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Cannot Evolve
- Caught in – EP035 (Banned Episode)
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Ash has 30 Tauros that he caught using Safari Balls. Tauros is Ash’s only Pokemon to use a powerful move that knocks out the opponent in just one hit.
Tauros defeats Drake’s Venusaur and battles Gary’s Nidoqueen and Salon Maiden Anabel’s Pokemon.
XI. Lapras

- Type – Water-Ice
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Cannot Evolve
- Caught in – EP084: The Lost Lapras
- Location – Released into the wild
Notable Feats: Ash’s Lapras was kidnapped by Team Rocket along with a whole school of other Lapras, including its mother. Lapras uses its ice and water moves to defeat Team Rocket and rescue its herd.
XII. Snorlax

- Type – Normal
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – EP094: Snack Attack
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Snorlax is one of Ash’s more popular Pokemon despite not being used that often during battle. He does have a lot of victories under his belt, though. Ash uses him in the Sumo Conference, and Snorlax wins.
He has also defeated Clair’s Kingdra, Gary’s Nidoqueen and Arcanine, Greta’s Hariyama and Medicham, and an unknown trainer’s Grumpig.
2 Johto Leauge

Ash’s team in the Johto region consisted of Pikachu, Bayleef, Cyndaquil (evolves into Quilava in Diamond and Pearl), Totodile, Noctowl, and Phanpy (it evolves to Donphan in Ruby and Sapphire, in the following region).
I. Heracross

- Type – Bug-Fighting
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Cannot Evolve
- Caught in – EP119: A Sappy Ending
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Heracross battles Team Rocket, a Scizor, Donphan, and Gary’s Magmar and Blastoise. He also fights bravely against Tobias’s Darkrai in the Semi-Final Frontier.
II. Bayleef

- Type – Grass
- Status – Starter
- Evolution – Not Fully Evolved
- Caught in – EP126: The Chikorita Rescue
- Evolves in – EP199: Current Events
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Bayleef shows her courage when she goes up against Charizard despite being in her unevolved form – as a Chikorita. As Bayleef, she defeats Team Rocket with the help of Pikachu.
III. Quilava

- Type – Fire
- Status – Starter
- Evolution – Not Fully Evolved
- Caught in – EP141: Good ‘Quil Hunting
- Evolves in – DP182: An Old Family Blend!
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: As a Cyndaquil, Quilava beats a Skarmony. Quilava’s Eruption ability is enough to blast Team Rocket away. He also defeats Nando’s Staraptor.
IV. Totodile

- Type – Water
- Status – Starter
- Evolution – Not Fully Evolved
- Caught in – EP151: The Totodile Duel
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Totodile defeats Macy’s Slugma during the Silver Conference. With the aid of Ash’s Corphish and Dawn’s Piplup, Totodile also helps calm down enveloping flames caused by Cyndaquil while fighting Team Rocket.
V. Noctowl

- Type – Normal-Flying
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – EP154: Fowl Play!
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Noctowl is Ash’s first Shiny Pokemon and is a supremely silent flier. Although it is of the Normal-Flying-typing, it has psychic abilities that it uses to battle Ghost-type Pokemon.
VI. Donphan

- Type – Ground
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Egg obtained in – EP228: Extreme Pokémon!
- Hatches in – EP230: Hatching a Plan
- Evolves in – AG154: Reversing the Charges
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: As a Panphy, Donphan refuses to obey Ash and gets captured by Team Rocket. But after evolving to Donphan, it can defeat them. It also destroys Pike Queen Lucy’s Seviper in Ruby and Sapphire.
3 Hoenn League/Battle Frontier

Ash’s team in the Hoenn region consisted of Pikachu, Swellow, Grovyle, Corphish, Torkoal, and Glalie. His team for the Kanto Battle Frontier consists of Pikachu, Sceptile, Swellow, Corphish, Donphan, and Aipom (who was traded away to Dawn).
I. Swellow

- Type – Grass
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – AG004: You Never Can Taillow
- Evolves in – AG080: That’s Just Swellow
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Taillow evolves into Swellow during a Pokeringer contest like Staraptor. He is the first of Ash’s Hoenn Pokemon to evolve fully.
In the Gym Battle at Sootopolis, Swellow slams Juan’s Wiscash. He defeats Spenser’s Venasaur using Aerial Ace.
II. Sceptile

- Type – Ground
- Status – Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – AG007: Tree’s a Crowd
- Evolves in – AG066: Exploud and Clear; AG161: Odd Pokémon Out
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Sceptile is undeniably powerful – he’s the only Pokemon who has ever defeated Tobias’s Darkrai. He also tops Ash’s Pokemon list in battling the most Legendaries, along with Pikachu.
This includes Tobias’s Darkrai and Latios, Brandon’s Regirock, and Deoxys in the Battle Frontier. Sceptile evolves from a Grovyle who evolves from a Treecko.
III. Corphish

- Type – Ground
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Not Fully Evolved
- Caught in – AG023: Gone Corphishin’!
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Corphish is strong and resilient and is used against Tyson’s Hariyama, Swampert, and Arcanine. It also wins in a rematch against Salon Maiden Anabel’s Alakazam.
IV. Torkoal

- Type – Ground
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Cannot Evolve
- Caught in – AG058: All Torkoal, No Play
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: We haven’t seen Torkoal much in action – the only battle it conclusively wins is against Tyson’s Shifty during the Hoenn League championships. It has also faced Tobias’s Darkrai.
V. Glalie

- Type – Ground
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – AG108: Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snorunt!
- Evolves in – AG123: Rhapsody in Drew
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Glalie is the only Ice-type Pokemon that Ash currently possesses. As a Snorut, he can defeat Team Rocket once, and to defeat them again, evolves to Glalie.
This is also when he masters Ice Beam. He also defeats Clark’s Charizard during the Hoenn League, along with Morrison’s Metang.
4 Sinnoh League

Ash’s team in the Sinnoh region consisted of Pikachu, Staraptor, Torterra, Buizel, Infernape, Gliscor, and Gible. The team included Aipom before it was traded away and replaced by Buizel.
I. Staraptor

- Type – Normal-Flying
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – DP002: Two Degrees of Separation!
- Evolves in – DP013: A Staravia is Born!; DP118: Pursuing a Lofty Goal!
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Starly evolves to Staravia to fight against Team Rocket. He also defeats the Gym Leader Gardenia’s Cherubi, and Gym Leader Maylene’s Machoke.
Staravia evolves to Staraptor during a Pokeringer Contest and defeats Paul’s Honchkrow. Staraptor has also defeated Candice’s Medicham and Nando’s Roserade.
II. Torterra

- Status – Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – DP005: Gettin’ Twiggy With It!
- Evolves in – DP100: Aiding the Enemy!; DP166: The Fleeing Tower of Sunyshore!
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: As a Turtwig, it uses its speed and small size to defeat Roark’s Cranidos. As a Grotle, it beats Candice’s Sneasel despite the type disadvantage, using its precise attacks and defense strategies.
In its final evolution, Torterra relies on physical strength and healing ability. It sends Team Rocket into hurtling into space.
III. Infernape

- Type – Fire-Fighting
- Status – Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – DP052: Smells Like Team Spirit!
- Evolves in – DP132: Evolving Strategies!; DP163: Fighting Ire with Fire!
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: As a Chimchar, Infernape belonged to Paul but was abandoned by him for being weak. Coming into Ash’s team, he evolves into Monferno and then Infernape.
Since, he has won multiple battles, including with Paul, allowing Ash to enter into the Pokemon League semi-finals.
IV. Buizel

- Type – Water
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Not Fully Evolved
- Caught in – DP034: Buizel Your Way Out Of This!
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Buizel was originally Dawn’s Pokemon and was traded to Ash for his Aipom because of his winning streaks during battles.
He has battled numerous Pokemon, including Lucario, Staravia, Chimchar, Steelix, Ursaring, Infernape, and Mr. Mime. He wins against Paul’s Gastrodon, but loses to Drapion.
V. Gliscor

- Type – Ground-Flying
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – DP064: Riding the Winds of Change!
- Evolves in – DP085: Fighting Fear with Fear!
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Gliscor evolves from Gligar with the help of a Razor Fang. He defeats Paul’s Drapion after perfecting Stone Edge and Fire Fang during his training with McCann.
VI. Gible

- Type – Dragon-Ground
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Not Fully Evolved
- Caught in – DP157: Gotta Get a Gible!
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Gible has not yet achieved its Pseudo Legendary status but has the potential to do so. He has finally managed to control his Draco Meteor and defeats Conway’s Shuckle. He also beats his Dusknoir.
5 Unova League

Ash’s team in the Unova region consisted of Pikachu, Unfezant, Oshawott, Pignite, Snivy, Scraggy, Leavanny, Boldore, Palpitoad, Krookodile, and Charizard.
I. Unfezant

- Type – Normal-Flying
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – BW002: Enter Iris and Axew!
- Evolves in – BW022: A Venipede Stampede!; BW068: An Amazing Aerial Battle!
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Unfezant was caught while she was a Pidove. She evolved into a Tranquill to clear a swarm of Venipede before they reached the Central Plaza of Castelia City.
Unfezant, after her final evolution, defeats Cameron’s Riolu in the Vertress Conference despite a type disadvantage. She also saves Pikachu from Team Rocket.
II. Oshawott

- Type – Water
- Status – Starter
- Evolution – Not Fully Evolved
- Caught in – BW003: A Sandile Gusher of Change!
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Oshawott was hydrophobic but gets over his fear when he beats a wild Palpitoad. He fights bravely against Cameron’s Hydreigon. He can also come out of his Pokeball of his own accord.
III. Pignite

- Type – Fire-Fighting
- Status – Starter
- Evolution – Not Fully Evolved
- Caught in – BW004: A Sandile Gusher of Change!
- Evolves in – BW077: Evolution by Fire!
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Pignite, like Charizard and Infernape, was abandoned by a cruel trainer who thought him weak. Ash rescues him as a Tepig, and he evolves into Pignite in a battle with his previous trainer.
Pignite defeats Cameron’s Hydreigon in the quarter-finals of the Unova League, and wins the Sumo Tournament by knocking off Rodney’s Golurk.
IV. Snivy

- Type – Grass
- Status – Starter
- Evolution – Not Fully Evolved
- Caught in – BW007: Snivy Plays Hard to Catch!
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Snivy battles against Trip’s Servine and Georgia’s Pawniard and wins. Ash also uses Snivy in a Gym Battle where she defeats Clay’s Palpitoad. She beats Moira’s Cinccino, and Jessie and James’s Woobat and Yamask.
V. Scraggy

- Type – Dark-Fighting
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Not Fully Evolved
- Egg obtained in – BW012: Here Comes the Trubbish Squad!
- Hatches in – BW017: Scraggy—Hatched to Be Wild!
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Scraggy hatched from an egg, much like Donphan and Lucario. He is shy but aggressive. Scraggy has beaten Cilan’s Axew twice and faced a wild Garbodor during his walk with Gothita.
VI. Leavanny

- Type – Bug-Grass
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – BW018: Sewaddle and Burgh in Pinwheel Forest!
- Evolves in – BW023: Battling For The Love of Bug-Types!; BW074: Battling the Leaf Thieves!
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: As a Sewaddle, Leavanny defeats Burgh’s Dwebble and Whirlipede, evolving in the process. In Ash’s battle against Iris, Swadloon evolves into Leavanny to fight against Emolga.
Leavanny is also able to knock out Roxie’s Koffing despite a type disadvantage.
VII. Palpitoad

- Type – Water-Ground
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Not Fully Evolved
- Caught in – BE032: Facing Fear with Eyes Wide Open!
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Palpitoad is pretty underrated and has rarely been used. He wins against Burgundy’s Stoutland and Dino’s Darumaka in the Don Battle Tournament, and the Gym Leader Elesa’s and Stephan’s Zebstrika on two different occasions, using a combination of his water and ground-based moves.
VIII. Boldore

- Type – Rock
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Not Fully Evolved
- Caught in – BW034: Gotta Catch A Roggenrola!
- Evolves in – BW061: Battling the King of the Mines!
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: As a Roggenrola, Boldore saved a group of wild Roggenrola from Team Rocket and also fought against Dr. Zager. After its evolution, Boldore defeats Geraldo’s Reuniclus in the Junior cup and helps Ash succeed in the semi-finals.
IX. Krookodile

- Type – Ground-Dark
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – BW065: Battling the Bully!
- Evolves in – BW020: Dancing With the Ducklett Trio!; BW092: Ash, Iris, and Trip: Then There Were Three!
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Krokorok evolves from Sandile because he wants to defeat Pikachu. As a Krookodile, he defeats Iris’s Dragonite during the Junior Cup, and Stephan’s Liepard and Sawk simultaneously, making Ash a contender in the quarter-finals.
6 Kalos League

Ash’s team in the Kalos region consisted of Pikachu, Greninja, Talonflame, Hawlucha, and Noibat (who evolves later in the series).
I. Greninja

- Type – Water-Dark
- Status – Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Location – Released into the wild
- Egg obtained in – XY001: Prior to Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!
- Hatches in – XY001: Prior to Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!
- Evolves in – XY052: A Stealthy Challenge!; XY100: A Festival of Decisions!
Notable Feats: Unlike most others, it is Greninja who, as a Froakie, used to leave its trainers for being weak. As a Frogadier, it overpowers Saizo’s Barbaracle.
In Ash’s Gym Battle against Ramos, it defeats Weepinbell and Gogoat. But its strongest form is its Ash-Greninja form, which is as powerful as Mega Evolution. He activates it because of his thick bond with Ash.
II. Talonflame

- Type – Fire-Flying
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – XY003: A Battle of Aerial Mobility!
- Evolves in – XY036: Battles in the Sky!; XY086: A Legendary Photo Op!
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Fletchling evolves into Fletchinder while battling Moria’s Talonflame. Fletchinder evolves into Talonflame while battling Moltres, one of the 3 Legendary Birds in the Kanto region.
It won an Honor of Kalos medal for fighting against Team Flare. He defeats Olympia’s Meowstic in a Gym Battle and the Sawyer’s Slaking in the Semi-Finals.
III. Hawlucha

- Type – Fighting-Flying
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Cannot Evolve
- Caught in – XY035: The Forest Champion!
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Hawlucha’s biggest feat is winning against the Mega Evolved Absol, owned by Astrid, despite being Non-Mega Evolved.
He also defeats Alain’s Weavile. Along with Ash’s other Pokemon, he receives an Honor of Kalos medal for his fight against Team Flare.
IV. Goodra

- Type – Dragon
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – XY055: A Slippery Encounter!
- Evolves in – XY061: An Oasis of Hope!; XY065: Good Friends, Great Training!
- Location – Released into the wild
Notable Feats: Goodra was Ash’s only true Dragon-type before he was released. He was also Ash’s first Pseudo Legendary Pokemon. Goodra has helped Ash win all trainer battles, except in his fight with Alain in the Kalos League.
V. Noivern

- Type – Flying-Dragon
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Egg obtained in – XY076: A Not-So-Flying Start!
- Hatches in – XY076: A Not-So-Flying Start!
- Evolves in – XY110: An Electrifying Rage!
- Location – Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Noivern is a Semi Pseudo Pokemon but has never participated in any Gym Battle. Noibat evolves into Noivern to save Hawlucha from falling into a ravine because of the Legendary Bird Pokemon, Zapdos.
As a Noivern, he fights bravely against a Mega Gyarados. He receives an Honor of Kalos medal for his efforts against Team Flare.
7 Alola League

Ash’s team in the Alola region consisted of Pikachu, Rowlet, Lycanroc, Incineroar, Nagandael, and Melmetal.
I. Rowlet

- Type – Grass-Flying
- Status – Starter
- Evolution – Not Fully Evolved
- Egg obtained in – SM004: Prior to First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style!
- Hatches in – SM004: Prior to First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style!
- Location – Professor Kukui and Burnet’s house
Notable Feats: Although Rowlet is unable to evolve with the help of the Everstone, it uses it as a weapon to utilize his Z-moves. Rowlet is strong enough to defeat both its evolved forms – Dartrix and Decidueye.
Rowley also beats Professor Kukui’s Braviary in the Exhibition Match in Alola League.
II. Lycanroc

- Type – Rock
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – SM015: Rocking Clawmark Hill!
- Evolves in – SM037: Rising from the Ruins!
- Location – Professor Kukui and Burnet’s house
Notable Feats: Lycanroc wins Ash his first Pokemon League, the Manalo Conference in the Alola League, the only time Ash becomes the Pokemon Champion in a region.
He knows a number of Z-moves, and has defeated a Midnight Lycanroc and a Charizard among others. Ash’s Dusk Lycanroc evolved from an equally tenacious Rockruff.
III. Incineroar

- Type – Fire-Dark
- Status – Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – SM021: One Journey Ends, Another Begins…
- Evolves in – SM063: Pushing the Fiery Envelope!; SM143: Fiery Surprises!
- Location – Professor Kukui and Burnet’s house
Notable Feats: We haven’t seen Incineroar in battle after its final evolution, but we know he’s going to kill it because of his Blaze ability.
As a Torracat, Incineroar uses this ability to defeat Professor Kukui’s Incineroar despite not being fully evolved at the time. He actually confronts this Incineroar as a Litten, which shows his grit and determination.
IV. Naganadel

- Type – Poison-Dragon
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – SM067: Love at First Twirl!
- Evolves in – SM140: Prior to Z-Move Showdown!
- Location – Released into the wild/home-world
Notable Feats: Naganadel is an extradimensional Pokemon or Ultra Beast, who is part of the Ultra Guardians. It joins Ash as a Poipol before evolving into a Naganadel. Naganadel defeats Professor Kukui’s Lucario during the Exhibition Match.
V. Melmetal

- Type – Steel
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – SM112: Got Meltan?
- Evolves in – SM138: Final Rivals!
- Location – Professor Kukui and Burnet’s house
Notable Feats: Melmetal is Ash’s heaviest Pokemon and his first Mythical Pokemon. As a Meltan, it defeats Ryuki’s Druggigon, who is a Dragon-type Pokemon, together with Rowlet. Melmetal smashes Gladion’s Silvally and Professor Kukui’s Empoleon.
8 Galar League

Ash’s team in the Galar region – his current team – consists of Pikachu, Dragonite, Lucario, Sirfetch’d, Gengar, Dracovish, and Mimey.
I. Dragonite

- Type – Dragon-Flying
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – JN010: A Test in Paradise!
- Evolves in – JN010: A Test in Paradise!
- Location – In Rotation
Notable Feats: Dragonite is Ash’s first fully evolved Pseudo Legendary Pokemon and the only Pseudo Legendary Pokemon in Ash’s team, the other being Goodra, who was released.
Dragonite is extremely powerful and has defeated Korrina’s Mega Lucario. He has also defeated Iris’s Haxorus.
II. Gengar

- Type – Ghost-Poison
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – JN016: A Chilling Curse!
- Location – In Rotation
Notable Feats: With Gengar, Ash now officially has at least one Pokemon of all 18 types. Gengar, along with knowing a Ghost-type move, also can demonstrate a Fairy-type move.
He wins against Visquez’s Raichu in the World Coronation Series, and saves a group of mine workers from a Coalossal in its Gigantamax form.
III. Lucario

- Type – Fighting-Steel
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Egg obtained in – JN021: Caring for a Mystery!
- Hatches in – JN021: Caring for a Mystery!
- Evolves in – JN045: Sword and Shield… The Legends Awaken!
- Location – In Rotation
Notable Feats: Lucario is the first of Ash’s Pokemon that can mega evolve.
After winning the World Coronation Series, he defeats Bea’s Machamp in its Gigantamax form, pushing Ash’s rank up to 36. As a Riolu, Lucario also went up against A Gigantamaxed Pokemon – Centiskorch.
IV. Sirfetch’d

- Type – Fighting
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Caught in – JN027: Toughing It Out!
- Evolves in – JN060: Beyond Chivalry… Aiming to be a Leek Master!
- Location – In Rotation
Notable Feats: Sirfetch’d, as a Galarian Farfetch’d, is the first Pokemon that Ash catches in the Galar region.
He has a slow start with Ash in terms of emotional bond and winning battles, but once he evolves, he easily beats Ringo’s Gallade, helping Ash’s rank to shoot up in the World Coronation Series.
V. Dracovish

- Type – Water-Dragon
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Cannot Evolve
- Caught in – JN050: A Pinch of This, a Pinch of That!
- Location – In Rotation
Notable Feats: Dracovish can defeat the Unova Pokemon Champion Iris and her Dragonite. He also participated in the Marine Pokemon Obstacle Course with Ash and won.
VI. Mimey/Mr. Mime

- Type – Psychic-Fairy
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
- Location – Cerise’s Laboratory
Notable Feats: Mimey was adopted by Ash’s mom Delia and is owned by Ash. In the latest season, Mimey is called upon to battle Houji’s Mightyena but refuses to fight it. Mimey is officially part of Ash’s Galar team.
9 Temporarily Owned
I. Seaking

- Type – Water
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Fully Evolved
Notable Feats: It has the Lightningrod move, that gives it immunity against electric-type attacks that water -types are inherently weaker to.
II. Buzzwole

- Type – Bug-Fighting
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Cannot Evolve
Notable Feats: Alien and dangerous.
III. Stakataka

- Type – Rock-Steel
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Cannot Evolve
Notable Feats: It is made up of multiple lifeforms stacked on top of each other.
IV. Rowlet

- Type – Grass-Flying
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Not Fully Evolved
Notable Feats: Famous for its kicks, it sneaks up on its enemy before attacking.
10 Traded Away
I. Rattata

- Type – Normal
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Not Fully Evolved
Notable Feats: Rattata instinctively chews everything and lives in big groups.
II. Aipom

- Type – Normal
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Not Fully Evolved
Notable Feats: It can use its tail skillfully to leap around high trees.
11 Given Away
I. Beedrill

- Type – Bug-Poison
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution –Fully Evolved
Notable Feats: It has three poisonous stingers to attack the enemy. They attack in a big group just like bees.
12 Travelled With
I. Haunter

- Type – Ghost-Poison
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Not Fully Evolved
Notable Feats: It has the ability to cause endless shudders once it touches you.
II. Meloetta

- Type – Normal-Psychic
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Cannot Evolve
Notable Feats: Meloetta’s melodies can make Pokémon who hear them happy or sad.
III. Rotom Pokedex

- Type – Electric
- Status – Non-Starter
- Evolution – Cannot Evolve
Notable Feats: Self-Learning AI Pokedex
12. About Pokémon
Pokémon was first released in 1996 and is set up in a world where humans catch monsters and store them in pocket-sized poke-balls.
They are creatures with an affinity to certain elements and some superhuman abilities related to that element.
Revolving around a teenage boy Ash Ketchum, Pokémon takes us through his journey to becoming the most accomplished Pokémon trainer the world has ever seen.
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