In Hogwarts Legacy, you will come across several Collection Chests hidden all over the map in Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, and The Highlands.
The rewards you can get from these chests include Wand Handles, Conjurations, and Attribute Traits to enhance your gear.
You will find the Wand Handles in triangle-studded chests while the Conjuration Recipes can be found in cylindrical chests. When you start exploring The Highlands, you will find the Attribute Trait chests as well.
To unlock the Collection Chests, you will need to cast the Alohomora Spell. To solve puzzles and overcome other chest-related obstacles for the higher-level Chests, it would be a good idea to keep the Incendio and Arresto Momentum spells ready with you as well.
There are a total of 155 Collection Chests in the game. Here are all their locations.

Hogwarts Castle
There are 34 Collection Chests in Hogwarts.
I. The Astronomy Wing
There are 7 Collection Chests in the Astronomy Wing.
- Defence Against The Dark Arts Tower #1: Near the Charms Classroom by the lounge, the Chest is behind an Arithmancy Door Puzzle.
- Defence Against The Dark Tower #2: On the ground floor is a locked room. Enter it to find a Chest.
- Charms Classroom: The Chest is in a corner near the entrance.
- Professor Ronen’s Office: The Chest is on the roof deck near it.
- Professor Fig’s Classroom: You will find a Chest inside by the left corner.
- Transfiguration Classroom Floo Flame: Once you teleport here, keep walking till you see a door. Enter and take the stairs on the right till you reach a locked door. Solve the Arithmancy Door Puzzle to find a Chest inside.
- Room of Requirement: The Chest is inside a cave in the Vivarium. Finish ‘The Elf, The Nab-Sack, and The Loom’ Quest before you collect this one.
II. The Bell Tower Wing
There are 7 Collection Chests in the Bell Tower Wing.
- Music Room: Go to the top of the Bell Tower and you can find a Chest just after the music room.
- Frog Statue: While you’re still at the top, find a frog statue close by. Enter it and find a Chest.
- Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame: Go up the stairs to the left of the Flame. The Chest is behind a level 1 locked door and an Arithmancy Door Puzzle.
- Bell Tower Courtyard #1: Unlock the door near the Dragon Statue in the Courtyard and find a Chest inside.
- Bell Tower Courtyard #2: Solve the Arithmancy Door Puzzle behind another locked door in the Courtyard.
- Hogwarts North Exit: After you get here, find a shed. The Chest will be there.
- Hieroglyphic Hall: Complete the Depulso Puzzle Room II and find it there.
III. The Grand Staircase
There are 5 Collection Chests in The Grand Staircase.
- Ravenclaw Tower: Solve the Arithmancy Door Puzzle near the Ravenclaw Tower Floo Flame to find a Chest.
- Grand Staircase Floo Flame #1: Above the Flame is an Arithmancy Door Puzzle. The Chest is inside.
- Grand Staircase Floo Flame #2: Keep going down the moving stairs until you see another Arithmancy Door Puzzle. Solve it to collect a Chest.
- Headmaster’s Office: As soon as you enter, there is a desk on the left. The Chest is near it.
- Across Headmaster’s Office: Use the Key of Admittance to unlock the door across the Headmaster’s Office. Complete the ‘Hogwarts Secrets’ Quest to get the Key.
IV. The Great Hall
There are 3 Collection Chests in the Great Hall.
- Great Hall #1: Find an Arithmancy Door Puzzle and solve it for the first Chest.
- Great Hall #2: Find a level 1 locked door and unlock it for the second Chest.
- Kitchen: The Kitchen is near the Hufflepuff Common Room. Go inside and find a Chest behind some cauldrons.
V. The Library Annex
There are 8 Collection Chests in the Library Annex.
- Athenaeum: The Chest is in a corner of the room.
- Long Gallery: Next to the Bell Tower Courtyard, find a level 1 locked door. Behind it is an Arithmancy Door Puzzle. Solve it to get a Chest.
- Divination Class: Behind the Divination Classroom Floo Flame, solve an Arithmancy Door Puzzle to collect a Chest.
- Arithmancy Class: Solve another Arithmancy Door Puzzle inside and you’ll see a Chest.
- Central Hall #1: Go to the fountain, solve the Arithmancy Door Puzzle on the left and a Chest will be behind it.
- Central Hall Floo Flame: Take the stairs going up from here and open the large doors. Solve the brazier puzzle; you’ll then get a ladder which you can use to climb up to the Chest.
- Central Hall #2: Go to the room after solving the brazier puzzle to find another Chest.
- Depulso Puzzle room II: Find the Chest after finishing this room.
VI. The South Wing
There are 4 Collection Chests in the South Wing.
- Faculty Tower #1: Unlock a level 3 locked door in the Tower. Use Glacius to get past the fireplace and to the room with the Chest.
- Faculty Tower #2: There is a Chest behind an Arithmancy Door Puzzle.
- Clock Tower Courtyard #1: Open the level 1 locked door near the Floo Flame and go to the second floor of the Clock Tower. Align the two-headed dragon statue with Arresto Momentum and you’ll find a Chest behind the door.
- Clock Tower Courtyard #2: Use Arresto Momentum again to align to stop the pendulum. You’ll unlock the door with the horse mural and collect another Chest.

Hogsmeade Village
There are 5 Collection Chests in Hogsmeade.
- Across the Waterwheel House: From the North Hogsmeade Floo Flame, take the path on the right that leads to the Waterwheel House. Across from it is a house with a level 3 lock, inside which is a Chest.
- Three Broomsticks: Go to the topmost floor and unlock the room with the level 1 lock. There will be a Chest inside, along with a Demiguise Statue.
- South Hogsmeade Floo Flame #1: Take the alley on the right. Enter the house with the level 3 lock and you will see the Chest just before the stairs.
- South Hogsmeade Floo Flame #2: Go down the stairs on the right side. Enter the house with the level 3 lock on its door. The Chest is in the bedroom on the second floor.
- Ashwinder Hideout: Next to Hog’s Head is Ashwinder Hideout, which can be accessed after completing the “A Basis for Blackmail” Quest. You will find a Chest inside.
The Highlands
There are 116 Collection Chests in The Highlands Open World.
I. South Hogwarts Region
There are 9 Collection Chests in the South Hogwarts Region.
- Lower Hogsfield #1: The Chest is inside a locked house near the Floo Flame.
- Lower Hogsfield #2: Behind the house, you’ll see a Chest next to a woman.
- Lower Hogsfield #3: There is a Chest beside a broken wheelbarrow.
- Aranshire #1: The Chest is near a vendor, inside another locked house.
- Aranshire #2: Next to the above locked house is another house. A Chest is inside it.
- Aranshire #3: In front of the Floo Flame, unlock the house and the Chest is inside.
- Aranshire #4: Destroy the rubble behind the locked house to find the Chest.
- Aranshire #5: Go to the flowers and find a Chest amongst them.
- Aranshire #6: Find another locked house in the area and there will be a Chest next to the door.
II. North Hogwarts Region
There are 8 Collection Chests in the North Hogwarts Region.
- East North Region #1: Go to the small Bandit Camp and collect the Chest inside.
- East North Region #2: Towards the left of the Floo Flame is a river. By this river is a small Bandit Camp inside which you’ll find the Chest.
- East North Region #3: Towards the south of the Floo Flame is another river. You’ll see a small Bandit Camp by it and inside it is a Chest.
- Near Forbidden Forest: Find another Bandit Camp close to the Forbidden Forest and take the Chest from inside.
- Korrow Ruins #1: Inside the Ruins is a Chest.
- Korrow Ruins #2: Near this place is another Bandit Camp with a Chest inside.
- Northern Region: Look for a Bandit Camp in the northern part of this region and you’ll get another Chest inside it.
- Collector’s Cave: Find a Chest inside the Cave.
III. North Ford Bog
There are 7 Collection Chests in the North Ford Bog.
- Pitt-Upon-Ford: South of this, you’ll see a Chest inside a small Bandit Camp.
- North Ford Bog Floo Flame: On its right you’ll find a Chest inside a small Bandit Camp.
- Pitt-Upon-Ford Floo Flame #1: Go behind it to find a house. Open the level 1 locked door inside to collect a Chest.
- Pitt-Upon-Ford Floo Flame #2: Beside it you’ll see a house with a campfire and crops. Go to the second floor and find the Chest.
- Pitt-Upon-Ford Floo Flame #3: Travel south of the Flame till you see a bridge with a “Beware Spiders” sign. Just past it is a house with a level 3 locked door. Unlock the door and go to the second floor to get the Chest.
- Hamlet Shop: Find a house behind the shop and take the Chest from inside.
- East North Ford Bog Floo Flame: East of the Flame is a lake. Find a small Bandit Camp near it and there will be a Chest inside.
V. South Sea Bog
There is 1 Collection Chest in the South Sea Bog.
- East Sea Bog Floo Flame: Find a medium Bandit Camp southwest of the Flame. It has a Chest inside.

VI. Hogwarts Valley
There are 14 Collection Chests in the Hogwarts Valley.
- Northern South Sea Bog Floo Flame: Find a small Bandit Camp northwest of the Flame and take the Chest from inside.
- Keenbridge Floo Flame #1: Chest is inside a small shack on the left of the Flame.
- Keenbridge Floo Flame #2: Locate the Bandit Camp Castle southeast of the Flame and collect the Chest inside.
- Keenbridge #1: Find the Chest inside a small room.
- Keenbridge #2: Find the Chest on the second floor of a locked house in the area.
- Keenbridge #3: Find the Chest inside another locked house.
- Mine’s Eye #1: Complete the ‘It’s All Gobbledegook’ Quest to unlock the area. Then use Depulso to break the metal bars behind which the Chest is kept.
- Mine’s Eye #2: Locate a level 2 locked door in the area and unlock it to find a Chest.
- Brocburrow Floo Flame #1: To the left of the Flame, you’ll see the Chest outside a house. Use Wingardium Leviosa to move the crates so that you can climb up onto them and reach the Chest.
- Brocburrow Floo Flame #2: Find a pond north of the Flame. Somewhere around the lake you’ll see wooden crates behind which is a Chest.
- Brocburrow #1: Find the Chest inside a locked house.
- Brocburrow #2: Find the Chest inside an unlocked house.
- The Gilded Perch: Unlock this place after the ‘A Bird in the Hand’ Side Quest and find the Chest inside.
- Dale Family Tomb: Unlock this place after the ‘Beeting a Curse’ side Quest and find the Chest inside.
VII. Hogsmeade Valley
There are 8 Collection Chests in Hogsmeade Valley.
- Upper Hogsfield Floo Flame #1: Go to the house behind the Hamlet Shop and you’ll find a Chest to the east of the door.
- Upper Hogsfield Floo Flame #2: Enter the first house on the left with a level 1 locked door. The Chest is behind a room divider.
- Upper Hogsfield Floo Flame #3: Turn right from the Flame and enter the small house near the outskirts of the village. The Chest is inside.
- Upper Hogsfield Floo Flame #4: Straight-ahead, you’ll see a house with a level 1 locked door and a wheel in front of it. Inside, a Chest is behind the table.
- Upper Hogsfield #1: The Chest is inside a medium Bandit Camp in the north.
- Upper Hogsfield #2: The Chest is inside another medium Bandit Camp near the Overlook Mine.
- Overlook Mine #1: The Chest is inside the Mine.
- Overlook Mine #2: There is one more Chest inside the Mine.
VIII. Feldcroft Region
There are 22 Collection Chests in the Feldcroft Region.
- Irondale: Beside the Windmill there is a house with a Chest inside it.
- Hamlet Shop: In the same area, there is a locked house next to the Hamlet Shop with a Chest inside.
- Feldcroft #1: In the south, there is a house with a Chest inside.
- Feldcroft #2: Look for a pile of logs. There should be a Chest near it.
- Feldcroft #3: There is a Chest inside a small room.
- Irondale Floo Flame #1: To the northeast is a house with a level 1 locked door. Unlock it to find a Chest.
- Irondale Floo Flame #2: To the west is a level 1 locked house. You can find a chest inside.
- Irondale Floo Flame #3: To the northwest you’ll see the waterfalls. Go near it to find a Chest.
- Irondale Floo Flame #4: To the northwest is a small Bandit Camp. Enter it and you’ll see a Chest inside.
- Feldcroft #1: Southeast of the Floo Flame is a small Bandit Camp. There is a Chest inside.
- Feldcroft #2: In the vicinity of the previous Chest, you should be able to see a medium Bandit Camp as well, with another Chest inside.
- Feldcroft #3: Southwest of the Floo Flame is a small Bandit Camp. Go inside to collect a Chest.
- Rockwood Castle #1: North of the Floo Flame is a Bandit Camp Castle, inside which you’ll find a Chest.
- Rockwood castle #3: Northwest of the Floo Flame is a small Bandit Camp. You can find a Chest inside it.
- North Feldcroft #1: West of the Floo Flame is a small Bandit Camp, inside which you will find a Chest.
- North Feldcroft #2: Look for another small Bandit Camp in the same area and you’ll see a Chest inside it.
- North Feldcroft #3: Northeast of the Floo Flame is a small Bandit Camp. Go inside it to collect a Chest.
- West Hogwarts Valley: South of the Floo Flame is a medium Bandit Camp. Inside it you can see a Chest.
- Feldcroft Catacomb #1: There is a Chest inside.
- Feldcroft Catacomb #2: There is another Chest inside as well.
- Moonstone Garden #1: There is a Chest inside.
- Moonstone Garden #2: There should be a second Chest nearby.

IX. Forbidden Forest
There are 6 Collection Chests in the Forbidden Forest.
- North Ford Bog Entrance #1: South of the Floo Flame is a small Bandit Camp. Find a Chest inside.
- North Ford Bog Entrance #2: In the same area, you’ll find another small Bandit Camp at the top of a cliff. The Chest is inside.
- West Forbidden Forest: South of the Floo Flame is a small Bandit Camp with a Chest inside.
- Forbidden Forest: The Chest is in a small Bandit Camp in the middle of the Forest, on the right side of the West Forbidden Forest Floo Flame.
- Cliff: In the same area is another small Bandit Camp near a cliff, with a Chest inside it.
- Horklump Hollow: A Chest can be found inside.
X. Coastal Cavern
There is 1 Collection Chest in the Coastal Cavern.
- Tomb of Treachery: A Chest can be found inside.
XI. Poidsear Coast
There are 8 Collection Chests on the Poidsear Coast.
- Infamous Foe: Find a Bandit Camp Castle with an Infamous Foe nearby. The Chest is inside.
- Poidsear Castle #1: South of the Castle is a small Bandit Camp with a Chest inside.
- Poidsear Castle #2: South of the Castle is another small Bandit Camp with a Chest inside.
- Phoenix Mountain Cave #1: South of the Cave, you’ll find a Chest inside a small Bandit Camp.
- Phoenix Mountain Cave #2: South of the Cave, you’ll find a small Bandit Camp near the river. There will be a Chest inside.
- South Poidsear Coast: By the shore is a small Bandit Camp with the Chest inside.
- Phoenix Mountain Cave Dungeon #1: This place can be unlocked during the ‘Phoenix Rising’ Side Quest. You’ll see a Chest inside.
- Phoenix Mountain Cave Dungeon #2: You can find another Chest close by.
XII. Marunweem Lake
There are 15 Collection Chests in Marunweem Lake.
- Marunweem #1: Enter the house behind the Floo Flame to collect a Chest.
- Marunweem #2: North of the Floo Flame is a locked house. Go inside to collect a Chest.
- Marunweem #3: Northeast of the Floo Flame is another locked house. Enter it and look for a Chest.
- Marunweem #4: Look for an unlocked house in the same area as the previous Chest and you should find one inside.
- Marunweem #5: There is also a room with a level 2 locked door nearby. Go inside to get a Chest.
- Marunweem #6: In the same room as above, look for a second chest.
- Lake #1: Southeast of the Lake Floo Flame is a small Bandit Camp. You will find a Chest inside it.
- Lake #2: Northeast of the Lake Floo Flame is another small Bandit Camp inside which you will find a Chest.
- Coastal Mine #1: There is a small Bandit Camp south of the Floo Flame. Go inside to collect a Chest.
- Coastal Mine #2: On the left side of the Floo Flame is a small Bandit Camp. Go inside to collect a Chest.
- Coastal Mine #3: There is a Chest inside.
- Coastal Mine #4: Look around for a second Chest.
- Tower Tunnel #1: North of the Floo Flame is a medium Bandit Camp. You can find a Chest inside it.
- Tower Tunnel #2: There is a Chest inside.
- Tower Tunnel #3: Look around for a second Chest.

XIII. Manor Cape
There are 7 Collection Chests in Manor Cape.
- Henrietta’s Hideaway: Unlock this place during the ‘Rescuing Rococo’ Side Quest and find a Chest inside.
- Bainburgh #1: North of the Floo Flame you’ll see a level 2 locked door behind which is a Chest.
- Bainburgh #2: Southeast of the Floo Flame, you’ll see a level 1 locked door behind which is a Chest.
- Bainburgh #3: Behind a level 1 locked door in the same area, you’ll find a Chest sitting on a table.
- Bainburgh #4: South of the Flame is a small Bandit Camp with a Chest inside.
- Store: East of the Bainburgh Floo Flame, find a store. It will have a Chest inside.
- West Manor Cape: Find a medium Bandit Camp southeast of the Floo Flame and go inside to collect a Chest.
XIV. Cragcroftshire
There are 5 Collection Chests in Cragcroftshire.
- Cragcroft Floo Flame #1: Go to the second floor of the small house near the Flame. Open the level 2 locked door to collect a Chest.
- Cragcroft Floo Flame #2: Find another Chest inside a small house near the Flame.
- Cragcroft Floo Flame #3: Go up the hill near the Flame till you see a small house. Then go to the second floor and unlock the level 1 locked door to get the Chest.
- Hamlet Shop: Across the shop is a small house. Unlock a level 1 locked door inside to get the Chest.
- Cragcroft: The Chest is inside a medium Bandit Camp southwest of Cragcroft.
XV. Clagmar Coast
There are 5 Collection Chests on the Clagmar Coast.
- Clagmar Castle #1: Find a Bandit Camp Castle inside the Clagmar Castle. There will be a Chest inside.
- Clagmar Castle #2: Look for another Chest in the same area as the previous one.
- Clagmar #1: Head north of the Castle to locate a medium Bandit Camp. You’ll find a Chest inside.
- Clagmar #2: Move northwest from the Castle to locate a small Bandit Camp. You’ll find a Chest inside.
- Treasure Vault: Go left from the Castle and find a cliff near a Treasure Vault. Below the cliff is a Chest.
About Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy is an open-world RPG from Avalanche Studio. The game places the player in the wizarding school of Hogwarts, allowing them to witness the iconic locations as a character other than Harry Potter.
The game has an expansive map that makes the game very immersive, even for people who are yet to read the books or watched the movie.
The mysterious, gripping storyline, with the vast areas to explored, either on foot or broomstick, makes it even more real life.
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